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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Board Members & Team Leaders

Board of Directors

The Board meets at 7pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in person and on Zoom, and visitors are welcome.

Nancy Christensen 1st Vice President

Nancy Christensen
Board President

John Rosenkrans
1st Vice President

Tom Lichtenheld Director

Tom Lichtenheld
2nd Vice President

Molly MacKay Zacker

Tom Zimmerman

Michael Mackey

Tom Haslett


Ministry Team Leaders & Board Committee Chairs

Click on the leader’s photo to be taken to the Ministry Team or Board Committee page.

Jason Sapet
Emergency Response Committee

Bill Koehl Green Sanctuary Team

Bill Koehl
Green Sanctuary Team

Kevin O’Neill Facilities Team

Kevin O’Neill
Facilities Team

Tom Haslett
Finance Team

Patricia Ward Heritage Team

Patricia Ward
Heritage Team

Jamie Carroll Hospitality & Fellowship Team

Teal Cyko & Ashley Peterson
Hospitality & Fellowship Team

Dave Moore
Marketing Committee

David Tomell Nominating Committee

David Tomell
Nominating Committee

Laz Escalona
Social Justice Team

Sherry Wilson
Social Justice Team

Kathy Cornell Stewardship Team

Kathy Cornell
Stewardship Team

Jeff Stibal Technology Team

Jeff Stibal
Technology Team

Cindy Duckworth
Welcome Orientation Team

Glenda Peck WOW (Within Our Walls) Team

Glenda Peck
WOW (Within Our Walls) Team

Carol Myers WOW (Within Our Walls) Team

Carol Myers
WOW (Within Our Walls) Team