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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Green Sanctuary Team

Green Sanctuary Team

Meets: as needed
Status: open to church members & friends
Chairs: Bill Koehl
Contact: Email

The Green Sanctuary Team serves as a resource for UUSG as it continues its commitment to being a green presence.

Over the years, they have sold compact fluorescent light bulbs, reusable shopping bags, native plants, rain barrels and more, putting tools in the congregation’s hands for living more lightly in the world we all share.

Electric Vehicles are For Everyone - The EV Revolution is Here

Tracey McFadden, UUSG Member & Vice President of the Fox Valley Electric Automobile Association, gave a presentation on the electrification of our transportation system. Hosted by the Green Sanctuary Committee, this presentation covered a variety of topics to include the advantages of driving an EV, types of EV’s, how to purchase and charge an EV, EV adoption, and the future outlook of EV’s in the US and abroad. Watch below!

Letters to OUr Congregation Project:

The "Letters to Our Congregation" project is about the need for action on climate change by our elected representatives. To view the letters we have sent to representatives, please click the links below.

Letter #1: "On the Urgency and Need for Action on Climate Change"

Letter #2: "Global Warming -- How Bad Is It, Really?"

Letter #3: "Environmental Privilege" 

Letter #4: "Environmental Justice - A Great Disruption"

Letter #5: “The Moral Imperative”

Letter #6: “What Can Be Done?”