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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134



UUSG Gazebo Usage

 Our gazebo stands as the gateway to the Third Street Property, fulfilling its role in promoting friend-raising and fund-raising for UUSG.

UUSG Youth selling cocoa to benefit their Habitat for Humanity trip

Friend-raising.  The gazebo and its benches are a shaded, dry, inviting spot for Third Street shoppers to rest and/or those needing a place to meet-up with friends (“meet you at the gazebo”).   The plaques, visible to both passers-by and those seated, identify UUSG as the provider of this respite.  The plaques include a QR code for anyone wanting more information on the church.

Fund-raising.  The gazebo provides a much-needed shelter for the many UUSG fund-raising activities that have been taking place on the site:  the Pizza Booth in June; the Geezers Group with refreshments during the Concours d’Elegance in August; and the HFH Youth with hot cocoa and treats during the Christmas Walk in December. 

When planning to use the gazebo for UUSG friend-raising or fund-raising activities, please follow these guidelines:

  1. Contact the Gazebo Administrator to get on the calendar and for guidance in set-up and signage.

  2. To keep the gazebo looking good and impervious to weather, nothing is to be attached to the gazebo structure – no nails, tape, tacks, pushpins, etc. 

  3. Numerous hooks are installed in the gazebo for hanging lights, banners, etc.  For signage, free-standing  easels and white boards are available for use (contact gazebo administrator).

  4. If your event will generate trash (wrappers, cups, etc.) consider providing a trash container (there is a city-provided receptacle in front of the History Museum).

  5. The paver floor is porous, so if anything is being served that could stain the pavers, be mindful and either protect the pavers or serve on the adjacent grassy area.

  6. Clean-up after the event and leave the premises as you found it. 

Outside groups interested in using the gazebo and/or lawn area please contact the Gazebo Administrator for information on requirements that include damage deposit, proof of insurance, and city permit.

Plaque with QR code

Free-standing easels for signage