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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134




"Carry Me Chant," written and sung by Linda O'Neill, arranged by Sophia Spiegel, cello, and edited by Cynthia Spiegel, djembe.

Worship Service Music (all ages)
Our Music Ministry and musicians are an integral part of weekly worship services. Most weekends, someone from the congregation volunteers to sing or play an instrument. More than 40 adults and 30 youth stepped up to present music to the congregation over the course of last year alone. Children, youth, and adults of all abilities are welcome and encouraged to share their gifts. Please contact our Music Director, Cynthia Spiegel, if you and/or your child are interested in performing during a service or other UUSG event.

Our UUSG Choir performs throughout the year and welcome all to join! Please contact our Music Director, Cynthia Spiegel, with questions on how to get involved at

June - July 2024 Music News

June got off to a sizzling musical start with The UUSG House Band, featuring Andy Montgomery, Tracey McFadden, Will Sapet, John Rosenkrans and Tom Zimmerman, plus Geoff Pynn, who additionally provided his piano talents for accompaniment of hymns led by Music Director Cynthia Spiegel. Lara Ward’s French horn was the icing on the cake as she joined the band for The Beatles finale: “All You Need Is Love.”

We next were treated to a lovely piano solo by Elaina Hruby, and the return of pianist extraordinaire Sandra Anderson.