Social Justice Team
Social Justice Team
Meets: see church calendar for dates and times.
Status: open to church members & friends
Team Leader: Laz Escalona & Sherry Wilson
Contact: Email
The Social Justice Team coordinates many different activities to help our church members in their quest to "promote practical goodness." Church members and active friends are encouraged to be active in any (or all!) of the activities listed below. New team members are welcome, too!
"Beyond Our Walls" Collections
We collect fund that support the local organizations that we work with: Aurora Pride Parade, Center for Information for Immigrants, Habitat for Humanity, Humanitarian Service Project, Lazarus House, Midwest Shelter for Homeless Veterans, the Northern IL Food Bank, and the Trinity Soup Kitchen. All contributions marked BOW will go into the Social Justice Restricted General Fund, which will then be used to fund activities for our list of BOW recipients and for other social justice work. Any donation marked for a specific organization or purpose, e.g. NIFB or soup kitchen, will go into a restricted account for that organization.
Commit to Knit
More than 50 peace shawls have been created by members of the congregation for Women 4 Women Knitting 4 Peace. In addition, we have knit chemo caps for Halos for Hope and winter hats for boys at the Illinois Youth Center St. Charles.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
We work together to prevail over prejudice in all its forms by finding creative ways to bring the UU vision of diversity/equity/inclusion to our congregation so that our church is a place where people from different backgrounds feel they belong.
Lazarus House: Hope for the Homeless
UUSG is committed to helping those in our community by supporting at Lazarus House, our local homeless shelter.
Friday Features
On the 4th Friday of every month (except December), we offer a free showing of a movie about an important topic, or host a local speaker which is followed by discussion.
Trinity Soup Kitchen
UUSG works with other area churches to supply lunches to those in need at the Trinity Soup Kitchen.
Church members of all ages enjoy wrapping gifts for children served by the Children's Birthday Project.
Here are some of the worthy programs we support:
Lazarus House
Along with a number of other churches, our congregation supports Lazarus House, which is the only homeless shelter in the tri-cities area, located in St. Charles. One Saturday a month, UUSG members are responsible for providing meals, overnight supervision, and laundry services. Click here for more info.
Peacemaking Commitment
In May 2010, the Peacemaking Commitment of the UU Society of Geneva was unanimously approved at the Annual Congregational Meeting.