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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


UUSG Pizza & Game Night!


UUSG Pizza & Game Night!

UU Society of Geneva

UUSG Game Night! Friday, Feb 17, 6-9pm

Game Night is a new event at UUSG designed to get to know each other, build friendships and have some great fun in the process. How often do we take the time to play with child-like wonder and silliness? To lighten up and laugh? The games each month will be interactive with random “switch-ups” throughout the evening. Our February game… FARKLE! Never played it before? No worries, Gina Grupe-Stibal will teach you. If you can roll dice and add numbers… you can play. We will eat pizza from 6-6:30 and then the FARKLE frenzy of dice rolling begins! If you are ready to laugh and have fun then please reserve your spot at by Feb 15th (and let us know your pizza topping preference in the comments). The first 30 to RSVP are in and remainders will go on a waiting list in case of cancellations. BYOB-Bring your own beverages of choice and be ready to lighten up and laugh. All ages welcome!