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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Emergency Response Team


Emergency Response Team

UU Society of Geneva

ERT is Inviting you to a free training opportunity by the GPD 

Save the Date: Sunday, February 19th, at 12:15 in the Sanctuary and on Zoom. Zoom Link Here.

What: Geneva Police Department Training Presentation on Best Practices for Safety and Security for Houses of Worship

If a dangerous person entered the Common Room in the middle of a team meeting, would you know what to do? How about the Sanctuary on Sunday Morning? How do you assess the situation? What could you use as a weapon? These questions and more the Geneva Police Department will be answering at a one hour free training presentation on Sunday, February 19th in the sanctuary after the service at 12:15. The appropriate audience is adults and high school students. All members and friends are strongly encouraged to attend.