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"We Are All Immigrants" Rally


"We Are All Immigrants" Rally

UU Society of Geneva

“We Are All Immigrants” Rally

Saturday, April 27, 2024
12:00 – 1:30 PM
Rte. 38 Bridge in Geneva

Bring your signs and your American flags to show your support for migrants as human beings, not invaders!

 The Social Justice Team at UUSG is organizing a rally in support of immigrants and refugees.

The purpose of the rally is to show that there are those of us who look at migrants as human beings who are looking for a better, freer life, rather than as invaders. We recognize that human migration has always been a part of human history and that, unless of Native American descent, we are all immigrants to the U.S. This will be a positive rally, in favor of migrants, but not against any person(s) or ideology. 

Rally Sign Prep - In preparation for the “We Are All Immigrants” Rally, the Social Justice team is hosting a Sign-Making Party on Saturday, April 20, 6:30-9p.m. in the Common Room. All supplies for making Rally signs will be provided. Refreshments will also be served. Please RSVP at so we know what food/supplies are needed.