Homecoming Sunday!
UU Society of Geneva
Homecoming Sunday: Affirmation of Ministry Service, Congregational Meeting, and Picnic!
After a long and successful ministry, the Unitarian Universalist Association likes to mark the transition with a Service of Installation to welcome a new minister and the promise of hope, renewal, and change that they might bring. The Installation Service for our new minister, Rev. Scot, would have been held in 2020, but Life, Nature, and a global pandemic required other plans. And so it is that, on Sunday the 10th of September, 2023, we will finally pause and formally mark the transition with an Affirmation of Ministry. Our very own Minister Emerita, the Rev. Dr. Lindsay Bates, will be joining us to lead this very special service! There will be guests, music, and yes, a picnic! All are welcome!
Brief Special Congregational Meeting to follow service. Details here.
And Our 16th Annual Homecoming Picnic kicks off at 12pm, at the church. Please bring a dish to pass: dessert, salad, or a hot dish. Fried chicken and cupcakes will be provided.
Sign up at uusg.org/picnic by September 4th!