Special Congregational Meeting
UU Society of Geneva
Official Notice of Special Congregational Meeting
September 10, 2023 at 11am
The UUSG Board of Directors calls a Special Congregational Meeting on Sunday, September 10, 2023 that will take place in the Sanctuary and online immediately following our 10am Homecoming Sunday Worship Service. The purpose of this brief meeting is to vote on a proposed amendment to our Bylaws concerning the number of persons serving on the Board. The Board of Directors has sanctioned this proposed amendment which would take effect for church year 2024-2025.
Current Article IV.2 : The Board of Directors of this Society shall consist of nine Board Members, including four Directors and five Officers: a President, a 1st Vice President, a 2nd Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Minister or Ministers and all full-time staff members shall be non-voting members of the Board, ex officio. The Board may designate other ex officio members at its discretion.
Proposed Amendment for Article IV.2 : The Board of Directors of this Society shall consist of seven Board Members, including two Directors and five Officers: a President, a 1st Vice President, a 2nd Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. The Minister or Ministers and all full-time staff members shall be non-voting members of the Board, ex officio. The Board may designate other ex officio members at its discretion.
Background of the proposed amendment: The Board has been in discussion over the past year about a reduction in the number of Board members to bring UUSG in line with other similar sized UU congregations. The projected benefits include improved Board efficiency, cohesiveness, and more nimble decision making. In addition, since Board responsibilities and personal schedules constrain volunteer time, other ministries within UUSG will benefit by freeing people to make other commitments.
There will be time for Q&A and discussion at the meeting. Voting will take place by live in-person ballot and online ballots for those attending on Zoom. Please reach out to Nancy Christensen, Board President, at boardpresident@uusg.org with questions.