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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Inclusion Book Club


Inclusion Book Club

UU Society of Geneva

UUSG's Inclusion Book Club is a monthly exploration of the many facets of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our goal is to be one way of seeking out voices of people belonging to groups that have been marginalized. As we learn about the experiences and perspectives of others, we may learn new ways of being more inclusive and truly welcoming to a broader community. This is a fantastic first step for those just starting the journey as well as a great refresher for those who have been “doing the work” for years. No prerequisite required – just a willingness to read and to listen.

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Our Next Book: The End of Bias: A Beginning by Jessica Nordell
Meeting Date: Tuesday May 23, at 7pm on Zoom

At our May 23 meeting, we'll discuss Part II: Changing minds (chapters 4-6).

At our June 27 meeting, we'll discuss Part III: Making It Last (chapter 7-10 & Conclusion)

Jessica is a science journalist who delves into the science and psychology of unintentional bias and discrimination, examining what strategies work to address these issues. Here is a short, 3-minute introduction with Nordell introducing the book.