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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Oneness Drum Circle


Oneness Drum Circle

UU Society of Geneva

ONENESS DRUM CIRCLE - Sea Shanties  Sunday May 7th  2-4pm in UUSG Sanctuary

Each month we will be honoring a different type of musical rhythmic exploration as we come together playing various instruments in joyful celebration.  This is not your typical drum circle.  It is uniquely designed for ALL ages to participate with the intention to lift our energetic vibrations as we learn to trust in the flow of our personal heart-space connections.   Gina Grupe-Stibal will be leading this experience by creating a sacred space, with a guided meditation before we get started.  Playing music is the easiest way to lift vibrations and spread high vibes of love and joy out into the world.  We do this by supporting each other with the freedom to try new things without worry of judgment, learning how to tap into personal flow state while simply playing with musical rhythms.  We bring plenty of instruments to share for those who are curious to try something new.  No music or rhythm experience is required - just a willingness to let go of worry and enjoy with childlike curiosity as we come together playing as ONE while having fun.  May's rhythmic exploration theme is Sea Shanties.