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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Marching in the Aurora Pride Parade


Marching in the Aurora Pride Parade

UU Society of Geneva

UUSG will be marching in the Aurora Pride Parade on Sunday, June 12th. The parade will begin at noon. Bring your energy! Bring your family! Bring your friends! The more, the merrier! As we march down the streets, we will carry our UUSG banner, call out chants, and play kazoos! We will also have Rainbow Peace necklaces to distribute to the kids and teens watching the parade. Sign up at to let us know you can attend. We’ll gather near the Main Parking lot area of the New England Congregational Church at 10:30. We will walk down to the Parade staging area together as a group. The New England Congregational Church is located at 406 W. Galena Blvd. in Aurora. Questions? Contact Kimberly Harrison at