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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Covenant Town Hall


Covenant Town Hall

UU Society of Geneva

Covenant Town Hall, January 19 at 1pm

The Transition Team invites everyone to the next town hall meeting at 1pm on January 19. Board President Brian Doyle and the Transition Team will introduce a Covenant on Diversity and Inclusion for the congregation’s consideration. This covenant is part of the next phase of study around welcoming and becoming aware of bias. A pizza lunch will be provided. Please RSVP here. See the Transition Team, Revs. Jennifer and Patrick, or Brian Doyle for questions. Childcare/game time is available for school aged children and younger. Please RSVP and indicate the age(s) of your child(ren) so we can plan accordingly. 

Covenant on Diversity & Inclusion

Ever desirous of promoting practical goodness in the world, 
     and of aiding each other in our moral and religious improvement, 
we bear witness to persistent and troubling patterns of separation
     in our society, in our church, and even in our own hearts.
These patterns are rooted in historical and present-day injustices.
Too often, they limit and diminish the ways we associate together,
     frustrating the hopes and dreams of this community of faith.

Therefore, as seekers after truth and goodness, we recommit ourselves
     to cherishing the diversities that make us whole,
     to becoming a fully inclusive and anti-oppressive community, 
     to re-centering voices at the margins of our faith, and
     to reaffirming the covenant of care that binds us with all people.
We resolve to take practical and affirmative steps
     to carry the promise of love and belonging into the world,
     to invite people from all paths of life into fellowship, 
     to learn, grow, and adopt new ways of living out our faith.

The Transition Team includes: Melissa Auer, Deb Brod, Aaron Fogleman, Kathleen McFadden, Bill Scown, and Revs. Jennifer and Patrick.