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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Celebration of Rev. Lindsay!


Celebration of Rev. Lindsay!

UU Society of Geneva

You and your family are cordially invited to a very special party in honor of Rev. Lindsay's retirement after 40 wonderful years serving UUSG as our senior minister! On Sunday June 17, 12:00 - 3:00pm, we will enjoy an open-house style party for all of our members, friends and families - come as early as you can and stay as long as you can.

Please plan to join us for this celebration of our amazing Lindsay as we wish her an amazing next chapter in her life, and as she wishes us well on our journey into the future!

There will be fabulous music, yummy refreshments, and just a bit of programming. And - of course - there will be cake!  AND since it is a party for Lindsay - there will be chocolate! We will be celebrating in the church and (weather gods permitting) the front lawn and memorial garden. Mini-sandwiches and beverages will be provided, and we invite you to bring a finger-food to share. Please RSVP here.

Lindsay would like to have a little time with just the kids from 12:30-1, so please have your kids available for some private time with Rev. Lindsay as she wishes them a very fond farewell. We will have special treats for the kids as they spend time together with their Rev. Lindsay. (More details to follow in upcoming announcements.)

The schedule of programming, including times and details for musical interludes and remarks, will be available soon, so look for announcements in upcoming messages.  We hope these tidbits will help you plan your afternoon.

The Celebrations Committee (formerly known as the 175th Anniversary Committee) is looking for additional UUSG members and friends to help with planning, preparations, and day-of tasks.  Questions?  Please get in touch with Jill Brown ( or Kathy Cornell ( 

Come to our super-party and be part of this significant, and significantly stellar, celebration in honor of our beloved Rev. Lindsay's retirement!


Kathy and Jill and the Committee