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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Summer Youth Hangtime


Summer Youth Hangtime

UU Society of Geneva

Want to attend summer services, but not sure how to keep your child occupied? Our Worship Planning Team may have a solution for you - Summer Youth Hangtime!
We have a team of 10 people, so that 2 adult volunteers will be available every Sunday to play board games or otherwise hang with the kids who are between nursery and YRUU age, 7-14 yrs. Leaders may take the kids outside on appropriate days, do arts and crafts, board games, take a walk, play games, lay in the grass and chat or read something from our library. One leader mentioned she would like to do yoga with the kids! 

All participants will be required to have a permission form on file for these summer activities. More info to follow. Any questions? Contact Tracy Dullea at