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Geneva, IL, 60134


Women's Circle: Spirituality & Creativity


Women's Circle: Spirituality & Creativity

UU Society of Geneva

“The creative process shrivels in the absence of continual dialogue with the soul. And creativity is what makes life worth living.” Jungian analyst and author Marion Woodman

Join us as we explore the connection between Spirituality and Creativity. The two go hand-in-hand. Creativity isn’t limited to the arts—it can be part of almost everything we do—cooking, child-rearing, playing chess. And it is through creativity—waking up that muse—that we can find the true expressions of ourselves.

We’ll discuss ways to nurture your spirituality through creativity and your creativity through spirituality. Unleash and focus your inner creator!

We hope you can join us on February 24, 1-4pm, in the UUSG Common Room. Deb Brod will facilitate. Sign up here.