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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Friday Flicks: Freedom to Marry


Friday Flicks: Freedom to Marry

UU Society of Geneva

Come join us for the February Friday Flicks for the showing of a new documentary THE FREEDOM TO MARRY.  We will gather in the Common Room at 7 PM on Friday February 23, 2018 for this film sponsored by Interweave.

Over the last four decades, the concept of same-sex couples marrying went from a 'preposterous notion' to the national law. The marriage equality movement is now known as one of the most successful civil rights campaigns in the modern history, but change did not arrive by happenstance. This victory was carefully planned and orchestrated over decades. THE FREEDOM TO MARRY, a new documentary film, offers the untold, inside story of this historic movement. This is a riveting ride alongside Evan Wolfson and Mary Bonauto, the architect and the main litigator of the movement, and their key colleagues from earliest days of their journey to their final frenetic dash to the US Supreme Court.

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