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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Hunger In Our Communities


Hunger In Our Communities

UU Society of Geneva

UUSG has had a long-standing commitment to addressing hunger in our communities. Did you know:

~Northern Illinois Food Bank has seen a 66% increase in need over pre-pandemic levels. 
~The Aurora Soup Kitchen weekly "Sandwich Board" has seen the need for lunches nearly triple, from 115 to 300.
~Lazarus House provides about 100 meals per day, as well as housing and case management services, to nearly 140 individuals in their program.

Currently, these important community programs face two main challenges:
~A reduction in SNAP benefits of up to $200/month per household, as of March 2023. One NIFB client noted that she now has only $57 per month left to spend on food, leaving her to rely almost solely on food pantries.
~Inflation, which has brought strain to lower-income families as well as a drop in donations, as individuals and corporate donors tighten their budgets.

NIFB shares Ellen's story, a volunteer and former client. An excerpt:
"I was a single mom. I was working full-time but still not making enough. It was either food or bills." Ellen’s experience with the food bank not only gave her the confidence to provide for her family but also inspired her to give back to her community. As she explains, “As well as being helped, I needed to help.” Ellen became a volunteer at the HCS Pantry in Hinsdale and helped open a new food pantry in Willowbrook. She credits the food bank with giving her the self-confidence to move forward and help others. “Donors and volunteers are so much more important than they think they are,” she says. “Please keep doing it. Please share it with your family and your friends. Invite them to come and help. Invite them to be a part of being this place that helps our neighbors.” 
To see more stories from NIFB, visit their website.

How can you help?
~UUSG volunteers at NIFB from 9:00am to noon on the second Saturday of each month. Join us in packing food and having fun! Sign up here.
For more information, contact Kevin Beyer at
~UUSG supports the Sandwich Board by donating snack bars, cookies, and bottled water once a month for 6 months out of the year. You can shop for needed items and drop them off at either UUSG or Trinity Episcopal Church in Aurora, or you can donate cash. It costs about $250 a month to provide enough items for 300 lunches. For anyone who would like to shop but not incur the cost, reimbursement is available through the UUSG Office. Sign up here.
For more information, contact Sherry Wilson at
~UUSG supports Lazarus House by providing 40 lunches, 60 dinners, and an overnight volunteer on the first Saturday of each month. Reimbursement is available through the UUSG office. Sign up here. For more information, contact

If you haven't joined us in a while, please know that the need in our communities is greater than ever, and your efforts are so appreciated!