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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Auction 2024!


Auction 2024!

UU Society of Geneva

Let’s go back to a time of bootleggers, flappers and jazz bands — the roaring 20’s! Grab your flapper dress, head piece, pinstripe suits and suspenders and join us for this year’s Auction!

This year’s auction is right around the corner – SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5!  The best way to make sure that you have a table reserved in our speakeasy is to go online and sign up here.

Similar to our last auction, we are auctioning off a number of experiences/events. These events are provided by our very own congregants and there are some really fun experiences on the auction block!
Here are some of the items that are already set to be auctioned off:
• Monthly cookie delivery
• Wine tasting
• An evening of music in a gorgeous outdoor setting
• A garden cocktail party

View our Catalog Here!

In addition, we will have a number of handmade items in a silent auction – artwork, quilts and photographs and MORE by our very own UUSG artists!
As you know, many hands are needed to make this evening a success. We would love volunteers to help us set up and clean up. Please sign up here to volunteer (even a couple of hours is such a huge help!) - PLUS, if you sign up to volunteer, you'll have first pick at reserving a table of your choice in the Sanctuary!