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Postcard Writing Event


Postcard Writing Event

UU Society of Geneva

On Sunday, 9/22/24, the Social Justice Team and Religious Education will co-host a UU the Vote postcard writing event in the Common Room at 11:30 a.m.  If you would like to encourage people to vote, please join us as we write postcards to under-represented and disenfranchised voters.  This event is open to all ages – those old enough to follow instructions and with good penmanship can write postcards, while the younger ones can affix stamps.  Make it a family event!  Pizza and drinks will be served as well.  Social Justice has set a goal to write 300 postcards that day.  This is very achievable if enough people sign up to attend.  Because we need to know how many to prepare for, we’re asking you to please register through Sign-Up Genius at