Emergency Preparedness for Youth
UU Society of Geneva
Emergency & Disaster
Preparedness for Youth
August 8
Grades K-3: 9:30am, Grades 4-8: 12:30pm
Sheriff’s Training Room
37W755 Route 38, St. Charles
UUSG and Kane County have partnered to bring emergency and disaster preparedness to kids in grades K-8. Class groupings are K-3 and 4-8, with an emphasis on being age-appropriate, engaging, and educational. The goal is to build confidence and empower kids to be prepared. Prepared kids are likely to become resourceful adults.
The program is led by Beth Drendel, Emergency Management Specialist for Kane County Office of Emergency Management. The program takes place at the Sheriff's department and includes a tour of all the emergency vehicles in the garage. Kids all receive age specific emergency go bags as well. Questions/RSVP (by Aug. 1): dre@uusg.org.