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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


RE Nature Hike & Backpack Project


RE Nature Hike & Backpack Project

UU Society of Geneva

July 13 Events
Join UUSG families and friends (EVERYONE is welcome!) for an easy morning hike at LeRoy Oakes Forest Preserve in St. Charles. Bring a small pail or net to explore Ferson Creek and search for aquatic life. Water shoes or old gym shoes are suggested for creek goers. Bring a change of clothes and a towel if someone in your family likes to get wet! We will meet in the parking lot for Creek Bend Nature Center at 9 am and journey out together from there. 
Address: 37W700 Dean St., St. Charles

Bonus Social Justice Event!
Come for the creek, stay for the social justice project at UUSG. We need volunteers to pack backpacks from noon-1pm at UUSG. Feel free to attend both or either, as your schedule allows.

Middle School Backpacks for Humanitarian Service Project
The Humanitarian Service Project is in need of 244 backpacks for children going into grades 6, 7 and 8 for the 2024-2025 school year. Thanks to generous Beyond Our Walls (BOW) donations, UUSG was able to purchase 75 backpacks AND supplies. The only thing left to do is fill these backpacks! Please join us for an assembly line backpack packing party from noon until 1:00 pm on Saturday, July 13. Let's get these packs ready to be put to good use! 

A note from the Humanitarian Service Project:
"We appreciate all the support Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva has provided for HSP over the years.  We are so happy you plan to continue. We would appreciate school supplies the most this summer.  Last year, we distributed over 600 packs of supplies during our Back-to-School drive.  We expect at least the same amount again this year.  We have 244 children who will be in grades 6th, 7th, or 8th in the 2024-2025 school year. This is the largest group by almost double of any of the other grade groupings."

Summary of Events
Date:     Saturday, July 13
What:     LeRoy Oakes & Ferson Creek Summer Fun Event #3
Where:   Creek Bend Nature Center lot
Time:     9-11 am
What:     Backpacks for HSP (Social Justice)
Where:   UUSG
Time:     12-1 pm
RSVP: by July 11
Please join us at UUSG immediately after LeRoy Oakes for PBJ, cheese sticks, chips, and fruit in between events for anyone who is able to attend both. We will have ICE CREAM after for everyone!