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Geneva, IL, 60134


PRIDE Service & Parade with UUSG


PRIDE Service & Parade with UUSG

UU Society of Geneva

Sunday, June 9th Worship Service Off-Site & Marching in Aurora PRIDE Parade

The June 9th PRIDE worship service will again be held at the New England Congregational Church in Aurora (there will be no service at UUSG that Sunday). This is our third year celebrating with Becoming Lutheran, Wesley United Methodists, Temple B'nai Israel, and the New England Congregational Church to show our support for our beloved rainbow community and LGBTQIA+ rights. Service starts at 10am. And if you’re willing and able, we will heading off the Aurora PRIDE parade immediately following the service! And don’t forget: come early for the free Rainbow Pancake Breakfast at 9am!

March in the Aurora PRIDE Parade! On June 9th, UUSG will strut our stuff at the annual Aurora Pride Parade once again! We will meet in the parking lot of the New England Congregational Church at 1030am (immediately following the community blessing and celebration at 10am) to get organized before we head down to the parade ground. This event is huge, so let’s show up huge! Bring your bling! Bring your rainbows! Bring your signs! Bring your comfy shoes! Let's show the world that hate has no home in Illinois!