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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Women's Circle - Theosophical Society Trip


Women's Circle - Theosophical Society Trip

UU Society of Geneva

October Women's Circle - Theosophical Society Field Trip
Saturday, October 21, 12:30-3:30pm 
**Please Note Earlier Start Time**

October's Women's Circle offers an opportunity to explore the mysteries of spirituality! Join us on the quest for enlightenment as we field trip to the Theosophical Society in Wheaton! Enjoy a guided tour of the grounds and the LW Rogers building. Tap into your mystical roots with stories of the women who pioneered the theosophical movement. You don't want to miss this event, it'll be out of this world!

Theosophical Society
1926 North Main Street
Wheaton, Illinois 60187
Enter from Geneva Road for parking.
We will meet in the LW Rogers Building Lobby

Please use Sign Up Genius to secure your attendance.

If you have trouble using the link, please call or email, Winelle Glaser, (630) 640-3827, or email Please bring your own water for drinking. Light snacks will be provided. This will be an indoor / outdoor activity. Please dress appropriately rain or shine and wear comfortable walking attire. Carpooling is encouraged. 

If you would like to car pool, meet at UUSG at 11:45am, and we'll plan to leave at 12 noon in order to arrive by 1230p. If you prefer to meet us there, their property is on the corner of Geneva & Main St, and please enter from Geneva Rd, and park nearest the LW Rogers building, we'll meet in the lobby at 1230p.