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Mental Health Ministry Discussion


Mental Health Ministry Discussion

UU Society of Geneva

Mental Health Ministry: "What if America Reinstated the Draft for Military or National Service?"

Sunday, April 30, 12pm in the Common Room

The Mental Health Ministry invites you to examine how our currently divided America takes its toll on our individual and collective mental health. To do this, we will engage in a thought experiment: "What if America Reinstated the Draft for Military or National Service?" If every American were forced to work for our country in some way—be it in the military or other national service—would our fractured country start to see itself as a community again? Would it force us to come together in our collective priorities? Would it re-establish a bond among different people, leaving us less socially isolated, which can be the primary way to better mental health? Join us for what promises to be a lively thought experiment on mental health from an unorthodox perspective. The event is open to the public.