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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Northern IL Food Bank Group


Northern IL Food Bank Group

UU Society of Geneva

One Saturday each month, members of UUSG volunteer at the Northern Illinois Food Bank to pack food for families who are in need.

Those interested can sign up here for upcoming shifts. Volunteers between the ages of 8 and 16 are welcome to volunteer with a parent. Be sure to include the first and last names of each person coming to the Food Bank.

Upcoming Dates!
When: Saturday, November 11, from 9 a.m. to noon
When: Saturday, December 9, from 9 a.m. to noon

Where: 273 Dearborn Court, Geneva, IL 60134

Remember, when signing up, if you are signing up more than one person, please list the names (first and last) of everyone who will join you.