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Women's Circle - "What Does Feminism Mean to You?"


Women's Circle - "What Does Feminism Mean to You?"

UU Society of Geneva

Women's Circle - "What Does Feminism Mean to You"
Saturday, March 25, 1-4pm in the Sanctuary and Zoom

Join Women's Circle, in a session led by Kimberly Harrison and Lisa Gades, for an exploration of what Feminism has to offer us today. Especially as we join in the uprising by women and their allies regarding reproductive rights, now is a perfect time to listen anew to the perspectives of BIPOC women who have historically felt left out of the feminist movement. We'll be guided by the work of experts like Kimberlé Crenshaw, Mikki Kendall, and Soraya Chemaly as they discuss how our various identities lead to different needs and Feminist agendas, and how girls raised to suppress anger can become women who seek to use their anger about injustice as a catalyst for change. For this session, one of our moderators is immunocompromised. Please plan to wear a mask. Snacks will be served. Please sign up here to let us know if you will be attending

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