December Services Schedule
UU Society of Geneva
Sunday, December 10, 2023 at 10am
Guest Speaker, UUSG Member Linda Dorr - "Comparative Religion! At the request of a UUSG member, we'll be looking at how other religions view Jesus. There are two sides to this: the teachings of exoteric (or mainstream) religion may be somewhat different from the esoteric or more mystical view. What do Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, and Islam have to say about the Christian Prince of Peace?"
Sunday, December 17, 2023 at 10am
Join us for another fun and meaningful intergenerational service. "A Child of Hope Pageant" returns during our regular service time on Dec. 17, with special guest harpist Renee Wilson from Beverly Unitarian Church. The cast includes our beloved youth starring as Mary, shepherds, angels, wise people and animals. Volunteers of all ages are welcome and appreciated to round out the no-rehearsal pageant cast. On the spot costumes and instructions provided!
Tuesday, December 19, 2023 at 7pm: Blue Christmas [online only]
The joy of the holiday season is not always so straightforward. Sometimes we know the reasons — losses, grief, despair — and sometimes it's less clear why the sparkle of the season eludes us. If this resonates, you are not alone — and you need not carry that burden, whatever it may be, by yourself. Join us on Tuesday, December 19, at 7 PM on Zoom, when our guest, Rev. Julia Jones, Minister at the UU Fellowship of DeKalb, hosts a service of song and prayer marking the grief that can coexist with the ‘most wonderful’ time of the year. Link at
Sunday, December 24, 2023 - Christmas Eve Service at 5pm [No morning service]
Please join us on Sunday, December 24 as we celebrate the holiday with carols, cocoa, and candles! Beginning at 4:30pm in our Common Room join us for fellowship and hot cocoa. At 5pm we will move into the Sanctuary as Rev. Scot, Cynthia, and our UUSG Choir lead us in our family friendly service of Lessons and Carols, adorned with other beautiful music selections and a special candlelight carol to conclude the evening. Special guest musicians include a string quartet as well as our own Lara Ward on French Horn.
Sunday, December 31, 2023 - UUSG New Year's Eve Potluck at 11am
Join your UUSG Community in welcoming in the new year with food and fellowship! In lieu of service this morning, we will be having a potluck. Please rsvp at