Cookie Walk 2023
UU Society of Geneva
One of Geneva’s oldest and sweetest holiday traditions celebrates its 40th anniversary, as the Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva hosts its annual Cookie Walk on Friday, Dec. 1 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Held in conjunction with Geneva’s popular Christmas Walk at the church’s historic building on the corner of Second and James St., the Cookie Walk will offer thousands of festive and delicious holiday cookies for sale, all homemade by church members. Guests will purchase a cookie box and then choose their cookies from a wide range of shapes, sizes and flavors. A helpful “elf” will be paired with each guest, walking them through Cookie Lane and filling their box as they go.
The price for each box is $20.00, and a box can hold two to three dozen cookies depending on the cookie sizes selected. Money raised at the event helps fund the work of the church and the social justice programs it supports, including Habitat for Humanity, Lazarus House homeless shelter, the Northern Illinois Food Bank, and other community organizations.
A raffle fundraiser will also be held, featuring handmade, one-of-a-kind Christmas crafts, including two quilts, stained glass art pieces, and other holiday-themed prizes.
“Baking for the Cookie Walk is a holiday tradition for many of our church members, and each has his or her favorite recipes, some of which have been passed down over generations in their families,” said Jenny Montgomery, who is co-chairing the event along with Molly MacKay Zacker. “As we bake and decorate this year’s batches, we also honor the memory of our long-time church member Betty Bristol, founder of the Cookie Walk back in 1983, who passed away earlier this year.”
During the Geneva Christmas Walk, the church will also be selling hot cocoa and coffee on its Third Street property, directly west of the church and across from the Kane County courthouse, with proceeds helping to fund the church youth’s 2024 Habitat for Humanity homebuilding project.
Church Members— Sign up to volunteer or bake at
Questions? Need a Recipe? Contact Cookie Walk Coordinators at