What is Theosophy, and Who Is Helena Blavatsky? — Unitarian Universalist Society of Geneva

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What is Theosophy, and Who Is Helena Blavatsky?


What is Theosophy, and Who Is Helena Blavatsky?

UU Society of Geneva

What Is Theosophy, and Who Is Helena Blavatsky? Presented by UUSG Member Linda Dorr. Sunday, Nov. 6 at 12:30pm in the Common Room.

In a nutshell, Theosophy could be described as “peace, love, unity, and the study of consciousness.” This talk will expand on that general definition. Helena Blavatsky, co-founder of the Theosophical Society, is a bit harder to characterize. Libeled and much abused in her day, she infuriated many of the mainstream religious, scientific, and political figures of the time.

“Theosophy” is one term for what has also been called the Perennial Philosophy or the Ageless Wisdom tradition. If there is one overarching theme, it is Unity — with a capital U, implying that it is a law of nature, a spiritual truth, not just an abstract idea. Some people considered Mme Blavatsky to be a force of nature. Those who knew her best loved her for her generosity, her kindness, and her egalitarianism — she treated servants and tradespeople with the same respect she accorded heads of state. She was no saint, however. She was very direct, could be tactless, and did not suffer fools gladly. Being female, these were unpardonable sins to many people. She is controversial, and a very interesting personality!

Linda has been a student of both science and metaphysics for many years. Discovering the work of C.G. Jung as a teenager was thrilling; finding Theosophy in middle age was equally interesting.