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Geneva, IL, 60134


Women's Circle - Rise Up and Call Her Name


Women's Circle - Rise Up and Call Her Name

UU Society of Geneva

Women's Circle - Rise Up and Call Her Name, a review and exploration of WomenSpirit Rising

On November 13th, Saturday, Women’s Circle welcomes three guest speakers. Deann Alleman, Jean Pierce, and Pat Vary will share from our UUSG history of programs and experiences honoring women in global earth-based spiritualities with an emphasis on goddesses.  They will describe what they learned from the UUA’s curricula, “Cakes for the Queen of Heaven” 1991, and “Rise Up and Call Her Name” 1995.  They will share how these programs influenced WomenSpirit Rising at UUSG as well as district gatherings sponsored by Women and Religion for more than 15 years. Our speakers will show us some of the rituals and experiences that influenced their lives and spiritual growth.

All are welcome who identify as female to our November 13th gathering in the Common Room from 1 to 4 PM at UUSG.  Please use the easy sign up access here