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Geneva, IL, 60134


Navigating the Year Ahead


Navigating the Year Ahead

UU Society of Geneva

Navigating the Year Ahead
Board Statement on UUSG’s COVID-19 Reopening Strategy
June 2020

 As UUSG looks ahead to the coming year, we’re thrilled to begin our new journey with Rev. Scot Hull. At the same time, unexpected and weighty decisions demand our attention about how we will do church and when we’ll resume “normal,” face-to-face worship and ministry practices.
As you may have heard, the UUA recommends that all congregations prepare for virtual operations until May 2021. This is not a mandate. It’s a recommendation that the Board—in consultation with Rev. Jennifer, Rev. Patrick, Rev. Scot, our incoming officers and directors—is considering very carefully. As UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray advises, we should all “take a moment to breathe,” because this is significant. Frankly, this is not the change we were waiting for!
In planning for the coming year, the Board wants to clearly communicate those principles that are guiding our decisions:

  1. The inherent worth and well-being of our members and friends comes first—always.

  2. We trust science and reason and we will adhere to a public-health approach to safely reopen the church, as informed by the State’s “Restore Illinois” Plan.

    • This plan prohibits gatherings of 50 or more people until Stage 5 is reached.

    • As of May 29, Illinois entered Stage 3.

  3. We will plan for the worst and hope for the best.

    • We do not know for sure when the state will reach Stage 5 and when it will be safe to fully re-open. When it comes, we expect that UUSG’s re-opening will be gradual, creating an ongoing need for virtual ministry.

    • Therefore, the Board is preparing and budgeting for longer-term virtual-only operations, possibly through the end of the coming fiscal year (June 2021). In turn, we’re making new investments in digital tools.

    • We'll continue to reassess our readiness to re-open throughout the year and adjust our plans as new information becomes available and budget permits.

  4. We will partner with Rev. Scot and use this time to reimagine how we do church.

    • This challenge could be transformative for UUSG.

    • We want to invest our energy and resources to respond and adapt to the emerging needs of our community. 

The last point is perhaps the most important, because it requires all of us to rethink what we do and how we accomplish it. This is daunting, but it includes unexpected graces, such as the ability to reconnect with members and friends who are homebound or have moved out of state. It demands that we be intentional about connecting and communicating with each other in new ways, and with the broader community we serve.
In that spirit, please continue to ask questions and share your suggestions. We need your ideas! Remember that, although our building is closed, the Church remains open—and please know how important you are to our success this coming year.
Brian Doyle, Board President
Nancy Christensen, First Vice President
Eric Jonke, Second Vice President
Judy Medina, Treasurer
Pat Ward, Secretary
Kathy Cornell, Director
Patrick McGleam, Director
Craig Moore, Director
Gail Tattersfield, Director
Rev. Jennifer Innis, Interim Co-Minister (ex officio)
Rev. Patrick Price, Interim Co-Minister (ex officio)