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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Congregational Survey


Congregational Survey

UU Society of Geneva

We are thrilled with the number of congregants who have already filled out the Congregational Survey. Thank you! Watch the chalice in the Common Room fill with color as more and more surveys come in. Remember, when using the invitation from Survey Monkey, you will be much happier if you use a computer rather than your phone, because the small screens often have a hard time displaying all the information you need to answer some of the questions. If you are having any problems at all with the survey—including not being sure where your invitation went—please contact us at

We held our first cottage group meetings this past Sunday. The goal of these meetings is to get even more input from church members about what they are looking for in a minister. We felt that these first meetings were very successful. If you would like to participate, we will have many more cottage meetings. They will start in mid-September and run through October. Keep your eyes and ears open for more information about how to participate in these important discussions. We will let you know when we have a formal schedule.