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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


OWL Program - Parent Orientation Meeting


OWL Program - Parent Orientation Meeting

UU Society of Geneva

We will once again be offering the Our Whole Lives (OWL) program to 7th, 8th and 9th grade youth. This is an excellent program integrating relationship and comprehensive sexuality education with values from the perspective of our Unitarian Universalist community.

All parents of new OWL participants should attend a parent orientation meeting. We will meet on Sunday, December 8th at 12:30 at UUSG. At this meeting, our OWL leaders will provide an overview of the program, there will be an opportunity for questions, and you may register your children for the program. Our trained OWL facilitators are Chung Liang, Molly MacKay Zacker, Jenny Montgomery, Andy Montgomery, and Tracy Rosenkrans. Please feel free to ask any of these knowledgeable facilitators questions you have regarding this program.

If you would like to sign your child up for OWL 2020, please let Becky Hruby ( or Jenny Montgomery know.