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Seeking Member Names for Transition Team


Seeking Member Names for Transition Team

UU Society of Geneva

The Board requests your input as they appoint the new Transition Team. The Transition Team consists of five members of the congregation who are active at church, are good listeners, and are willing to be engaged with this time of reflection as we prepare for new professional ministry. The Transition Team works with the congregation and the interim ministers as a “think tank” and as a body for information and conversation about the interim experience. The Transition Team also assists with events such as the interim minister startup retreat and a day to review church history.

The Board asks each person at UUSG to send them 3 names of members between now and September 9. Email, notes, even phone texts are great ways to send in names. Small slips of paper will be available at church for the next 3 Sundays. There will be a final collection during the Homecoming worship and the picnic on September 9. The Board will put together a preliminary team on September 11. They expect to announce the final team on September 16.

See UUSG Board President David de Coriolis, other members of the Board, and Revs. Patrick and Jennifer for questions. Send email notes to Thank you!