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Friday Flicks: Night School


Friday Flicks: Night School

UU Society of Geneva

Friday Flicks: "Night School"

August is the beginning of the new school year for children across the United States. Perhaps no other indicator of future success is as important as a degree for most in our society. And yet, the number of students who drop out before graduating high school is about 15%. This month’s Friday Flick looks at 3 students who never finished high school but are committed to improving their chances in life by going back to the classroom.

Indianapolis has one the lowest high school graduation rates in the country. For adult learners Greg, Melissa and Shynika, finally earning their high school diplomas could be a life-changing achievement. Emmy award-winning director Andrew Cohn’s absorbing documentary observes their individual pursuits, fraught with the challenges of daily life and the broader systemic roadblocks by many low income Americans.

Please join us in the Common Room on Friday, August 24, at 7pm as we look at these 3 students and the challenges they face in meeting their goal.