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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Volunteer at Northern Illinois Food Bank


Volunteer at Northern Illinois Food Bank

UU Society of Geneva

November is the month when we reflect on how thankful we are.  We have the opportunity as a community to express that gratitude by giving of our time and energy to help someone else whose life is not as good.  Our efforts have an impact that touches the lives of literally thousands of people.

This month's volunteer shift is only 2 hours long, but it is also on a weeknight.  I know that some of you have not been able to volunteer on the weekends, so here is your chance to join us in the evening!

As a final plea, we have not been meeting our volunteer goals for the last several months.  Please, if you haven't volunteered recently, consider joining us this month.
Our next volunteer shift is  

When: Tuesday, November 13, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Where: 273 Dearborn Court, Geneva, IL 60134

To sign up for this month, please follow the link below. 

November Sign Up

If you need to arrange for transportation to the Food Bank, please email

Thank you!

Kevin Beyer