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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Blessing Our Animal Companions


Blessing Our Animal Companions

UU Society of Geneva

For many years, our senior minister, the Rev. Dr. Lindsay Bates, had the privilege of leading the Blessing of the Animals at Anderson Animal Shelter. When those services ended, she started doing occasional Blessing services here at UUSG. On October 8, she’ll be doing one more.

You and your reasonably well-behaved (please!) animal companions – furred or feathered, shelled or scaled, hoofed or clawed or no feet at all – are invited to a special service on Sunday afternoon, October 8, at 2 PM (behind UUSG on our Third Street property). Please be sure your special critters are appropriately leashed or tethered or caged in secure carriers. We’ll have a general blessing for all the companions present, in fact or in spirit (bring pictures if you’d like of those who now live on in your hearts), followed by individual blessings for any creature who wants one.

(If the weather on October 8 makes an outdoors service impractical, we’ve scheduled the following Sunday afternoon, October 15 at 2 PM, as our “rain date.” Sorry, but bringing all our beloved beasts into the Sanctuary isn’t an option.)