Sister Suppers 2017
UU Society of Geneva
Sister Suppers 2017!!
Modeled on the UU traditional Circle Suppers, these are social gatherings of women members and friends of UUSG. The goal of Sister Suppers is new and renewed connections between women inside our church family.
Scheduled to occur in August, September, October, and November, Sister Suppers involve groupings of participants who take turns hosting or providing a part of the meal for each of four monthly suppers. You can participate in one each month, or in months you choose. (see sign-up link.) You do not have to host to participate. You can sign up as an alternate. who will be called if last minute openings occur.
We started this new tradition 3 years ago, and it was lots of fun. Sign up will be online at
If you have a friend in church who you think might enjoy this, but may not know about it, please consider forwarding this link to her and inviting her to CONNECT!
Sign up will run through June, with email notifications going out in early July.