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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Swedish Days Pizza Booth 2017!


Swedish Days Pizza Booth 2017!

UU Society of Geneva

Swedish Days Pizza Booth 2017! 

We were going to tell you a joke about pizza….but it is too cheesy!!!
All jokes aside, WE NEED YOUR HELP! Our UUSG Swedish Days Pizza booth has been moved to a prime location (our own green space right along 3rd Street) and now we need to staff it with some eager people to help us sling some pizza, meatball/beef sandwiches and much, much more.
You'll be signing up for a two hour shift - working the counter or grabbing food and drinks. You'll be working alongside fellow UUSGers - so it's a great time to meet new people or reconnect with old friends. You'll need to be able to stand for two hours and keep yourself from eating the delicious pizza and sandwiches until your shift is over (or come early to familiarize yourself with the product lineup before you start - it's not empty calories - it's research!). If you like action - pick a mealtime shift; if you like watching grass grow - choose morning or mid-afternoon. Click here to sign up for a shift (or two!)

And a new, exciting opportunity! 

Have you always wanted to perform for a crowd? Do you have musical talent that you would be willing to share for one hour?

This year, we are hoping to lure more booth traffic with some of our fabulous UUSG talent! We are hoping to fill 4 one hour shifts on Friday and Saturday. Please sign up for the day and time that works for you. Bring a tip jar - you may keep (or donate) the tips!

And THANK YOU for your willingness to “sing, sing a song….” !!

Questions or Comments? Contact our Pizza Booth Coordinators: Mary Swanson, Tom Russo & Molly MacKay Zacker at