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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


175th Anniversary Event!


175th Anniversary Event!

UU Society of Geneva

The 175th Anniversary Committee invites UUSG members and friends to an enjoyable, enlightening and thought-provoking activity - Exploring the Belief Continuum and Where We Find Ourselves - Sunday April 23, 1:30-3:00pm. We will be talking about the variety of spiritual beliefs, everything from atheist to pantheist to deist and points between, that fall along a continuum of personal and world views that reflect where we might see ourselves today. We will begin with a brief introduction and then break up into smaller groups to physically place our own marker on a representation of the variety of (generalized) beliefs where we might find ourselves. The process, the exploration, and the conversations are engaging and can be surprisingly challenging - and great fun!— and there will be refreshments, of course... it is our 175th Anniversary, after all! We hope you will join us! RSVP at