175th Anniversary Event!
UU Society of Geneva
The 175th Anniversary Committee invites UUSG members and friends to an enjoyable, enlightening and thought-provoking activity - Exploring the Belief Continuum and Where We Find Ourselves - Sunday April 23, 1:30-3:00pm. We will be talking about the variety of spiritual beliefs, everything from atheist to pantheist to deist and points between, that fall along a continuum of personal and world views that reflect where we might see ourselves today. We will begin with a brief introduction and then break up into smaller groups to physically place our own marker on a representation of the variety of (generalized) beliefs where we might find ourselves. The process, the exploration, and the conversations are engaging and can be surprisingly challenging - and great fun!— and there will be refreshments, of course... it is our 175th Anniversary, after all! We hope you will join us! RSVP at uusg.org/175th.