Friday Flick: Disneyland of War
UU Society of Geneva
This month’s Friday Flicks Presentation
Friday, January 26, 2018 at 7:00PM
UUSG Common Room
We’ll start 2018 with a film by Director Chris Smiley and Producer Mike Hanes, an Iraq War veteran. This short documentary covers the glorification of war and violence in our culture, shedding light on the indoctrination of the public including young children at events like the Miramar military air show. This air show is one of many outlets where war and violence is given a warm, inviting, and exciting aura. The utter horror and brutality is never understood by so many. Promoting a positive image of war and violence to people, especially children, is extremely dangerous.
Bill Koehl of our congregation will lead a discussion following the film to identify opportunities for future actions. Please plan on joining us in the Common Room as we embark on a new year of films that address todays major social justice issues.