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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Circle Suppers 2017


Circle Suppers 2017

UU Society of Geneva

Circle Suppers involve revolving groupings of participants who take turns hosting or providing a part of the meal for each of four monthly suppers. Participating pairs or singles will be grouped with different participants for each of the four suppers, which are held in January, February, March, and April.

The designated guests at each supper will be pre-assigned the tasks of bringing salad, entrée, or dessert. Designated hosts may provide hors d’oeuvres, bread or vegetable, etc., as well as china, glassware, flatware and a place to dine. If you wish to have wine or other adult drinks, BYO.

If you would like to participate in the 2017 Circle Supper Program, as either a “single” or a “pair,” and as either a regular or an alternate participant, please sign up here!