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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Pub Theology Group

PUb Theology

Meets: monthly at a local brewery or coffee shop. Check the UUSG Calendar for dates.
Status: Open to church members, friends, & visitors and the public!
Facilitators: Rev. Scot Hull from UUSG, Pastor Stephanie Anthony from Fox Valley Presbyterian Church, and Pastor Rob Hamilton from the United Methodist Church of Geneva.
Contact: for questions.

Join Rev. Scot, Pastor Stephanie Anthony of Fox Valley Presbyterian Church, and Pastor Rob Hamilton of the United Methodist Church of Geneva for a cross-denominational Pub Theology group! Open and honest conversation about things that matter, at a table where all perspectives are welcome. We aim to dive deeply into topics involving faith, meaning, identity, culture, politics, and more! Bring your questions and your curiosity and respectfully engage with people of varying religious traditions, philosophical perspectives, and life experiences. A good time to be had by all! RSVP at