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110 S. 2nd Street
Geneva, IL, 60134


Upcoming Services


Upcoming Services

UU Society of Geneva

Our August program begins on August 7, with new member Tom Durkin and his sermon titled “Am I a UU Because of Jesus?” Tom says, “I was once asked “With Christianity influencing you so deeply, how did you find your way to Unitarian Universalism and what about this tradition appeals to you?” Come join us on August 7 to hear him answer this question.

August 14, Terry Kinsey and Jay Cohen from Unity Temple in Oak Park will be our guest speakers. Terry will describe the importance of a mindfulness practice and how it has led him to lead a more ethical and peaceful life. Jay will tell us how his mindfulness practice has provided him with spaciousness for deeper acceptance, peace, and wisdom. Terry developed an Introduction to Buddhism class for Unity Temple and he founded the Mindful Reflection Community, a mindfulness group that meets every morning for meditation and on Tuesday evenings for a longer program. Jay Cohen is one of the facilitators of the Mindful Reflection Community, has given dharma talks using a combination of Buddhist wisdom and western psychology, and co-created a class this year titled “Radical Compassion.”

The DEI Team (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) will present their service on August 21. They will immerse you in songs, poetry, visuals, games, and testimonials related to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Members of UUSG will share with you some of the things they have learned on their journeys toward becoming anti-white-supremacy advocates. Others will provide testimonials on what it feels like to be a marginalized person. Whether you are part of the DEI movement or just curious, you will enjoy this lively service. Please plan on arriving at 9:30am so that you can participate in a DEI activity outdoors or in the Common Room.

At our Annual Meeting in May, we voted in support of the creation of a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Resolution. And now, at our August 28, worship service, Rev. Scot will sign onto this resolution on behalf of our whole congregation. This is a moment of celebration to share with all, especially with and for our children, who need to see adults taking steps to address climate change.

Why is the treaty important/needed? The time for serious action to prevent the worst effects of climate change is growing short. Regardless, the fossil fuel industry is, still, actively working to slow this transition, even though successful efforts to create alternatives to fossil fuel abound. In view of massive subsidies for fossil fuels, there is no way in which renewable energy will simply replace fossil fuels by natural market mechanisms alone. It is essential that the rest of us - those who are not in the business of making money from fossil fuels - call directly for the end of fossil fuel use with a just and equitable transition.

Our August services will be as interesting and inspiring as July has been! Please join us.