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Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative Presentation & Discussion


Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative Presentation & Discussion

UU Society of Geneva

Join Bill Koehl from our Green Sanctuary Team for a short presentation on the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty Initiative. A global initiative to phase-out fossil fuels faster, fairly and forever. Phasing out fossil fuel production, and fast-tracking progress towards safer and more cost-effective alternatives, will require unprecedented international cooperation in three main areas – non-proliferation, global disarmament and a peaceful, just transition.

The treaty campaign is building on the examples of the Nobel Prize-winning international campaigns to ban land-mines and nuclear weapons, which each resulted in new global treaties.
Note: this is not a vote on a specific treaty, rather a vote on an initiative to begin the discussion. We do NOT have to read and understand in depth a treaty of several hundred pages for this project.

This will be a ballot item at our UUSG Annual Meeting in May, where our congregation will vote on whether to endorse this as an organization.

We will have a chance to speak up, let's use our voice.

Zoom Link Here.

For more information, please visit here. Questions? Contact Bill Koehl at