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Geneva, IL, 60134


Beloved Conversations - Spring 2022


Beloved Conversations - Spring 2022

UU Society of Geneva

Racial justice, and the work of self-understanding that is essential to it, is the work of a lifetime. Beloved Conversations is truly a unique antiracism program. It was designed by UUs and for UUs and has been explored by thousands of UUs at over 250 congregations across the US. For this time of pandemic, this course is fully online, so that participants can engage with others all across the country. Rev. Scot has taken this class as a student, and he has also led a cohort through it as a facilitator. Last spring, a few members of UUSG took the class. They recommend it to any UU ready to take the ideals of diversity, equity, and inclusion from the classroom out into our larger world. Taking this course is a significant statement about our shared commitment to the work of a Beloved Community, justice, and a more inclusive, welcoming, and engaged UUSG.

Beloved Conversations will also be offered virtually in the Fall of 2022, so if this Spring’s timing isn’t right, that’s fine – you can certainly catch the next class. It is Rev. Scot’s hope that over the next several seasons, a majority of our UUSG community will complete this course. What we’re looking for, with this Spring 2022 cohort, are those who are ready to step into the work now and help lead the way.

Note: there is a cost associated with this course. If that cost is a stumbling block, please reach out to the UUSG office; we are able to help. Visit here for more information about the class and to register. Registration runs from January 1 to February 22, 2022.