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Geneva, IL, 60134


One Book One UUSG


One Book One UUSG

UU Society of Geneva

Mark your calendar for our final One Book One UUSG. We will be meeting on Thursday, November 18th at 7:00 pm. The plan for now is to meet in the Commons Room, however, that location may change as we continue to navigate the Delta variant. This gathering will be a bit different from our previous meetings. We would like everyone to please bring one to three books (or have the titles and authors in mind) to share with our literacy group in order to promote quality reading as we move into the dark months of winter. Be ready to give a quick summary or enticing "commercial" to encourage the reading of your title. We plan to create a list of all the recommendations and will send out that document soon after our gathering.

WOW leadership would appreciate a RSVP to so that we can be organized for the evening.