Lifespan Religious Education Team
Lifespan Religious Education (LRE) Team
Meets: TBD - Consult Church Calendar for next date
Status: open to church members & friends
Team Leaders: Kim McDuffee-Dotson and Scott Dotson; Becky Hruby, Director of Religious Education for Children and Youth
Team Contact:
The LRE Team includes all teachers, volunteers and staff who carry out our Lifespan Religious Education ministry. The ministry is lead by our Director of Religious Education, Becky Hruby, and the LRE Steering Team.
RE Steering Team Members:
DRE: Becky Hruby
K-2 Rep: Amanda Slaiher
3-5 Rep: Vickie Kilgore
Middle School Rep: Kerry Sapet
High School Rep: Jamie Andersen
All Programs: Eleanor Hamilton
The RE Team is a fun, active group of people who are all passionate and intentional about the nurturing and education of children, youth, and adults.
This team oversees all Religious Education curricula, youth social events, volunteer staffing, organization, and scheduling. This is a broad scope with far-reaching effects and includes many events & activities, including:
church school classes during the regular church year
YRUU youth events
OWL sexuality & relationship program
Coming of Age classes
the Junior High Youth Group
facilitation of teacher cohesiveness
addressing teacher & student issues & needs
maintaining classroom supplies
preparing the annual budget
the RE music program, which includes the children sharing music in the Sanctuary
volunteer recognition
ensuring a child- & family-welcoming atmosphere at church
library maintenance & cataloging
surveying new curricula
as-needed adjustment of classes and volunteers
professional staffing needs
long-range planning for our LRE programs
advocating outside the team for LRE and youth needs
Please contact one of the team members if you are interested in making a difference regarding the Religious Education of UUSG members, young and old.